emily howard

publishing professional


Looking ahead | Em's 2016 Mini-goals

Personal, ThoughtsEmily HowardComment

Reading, blogging and.. calming?!

So it turns out that having jet lag is a great way to be up early to work on your blog :) As I write this, it's 6:15 a.m., but what should really impress you is that I've been up since 3:40 a.m., which will in no way deeply affect my productivity and mood today.

In lieu of the massive undertaking that will be my post(s) about the China and Hong Kong trip, I figured my final post of 2015 should be a short list of goals I'd like to meet in or by the end of 2016! 

I'm currently working through a set of Powersheets (that I have had since last December...) which will contain some of my more sweeping, long-term or personal goals (like ones to do with marriage or work.) These are some of the smaller, attainable goals I have.

#1. Keep up with the blog regularly

This one is pretty simple: blog once a week. I would like to stick to a firm (yet flexible) editorial calendar for the blog, content-wise, but I do want to hold myself to posting every Wednesday. If I'm able to do that, I may ramp up the frequency to twice or three times a week. I'm excited to see where that one goes!

#2. Read one book per month

This is one I've tried, and failed, for a few years in a row now. Without winter and summer breaks to while away the hours reading, I've fallen off from being good about starting and finishing books. Sometimes I like to take my time savoring a fascinating book, but other times I'll blow through a book in one four-hour plane ride. I need consistency here. One book per month is very doable, even easy, as long as I stick to....

#2a. Reading one book at a time

This is why it takes me forever to finish one book. I currently have three books on my nightstand in varying stages of doneness, and one book on my kindle that I've had for an embarrassingly long time. I'll keep you updated on what those books are as I finish them! :) 

#3. Establish a better morning routine

Articles about the morning routines of successful authors/millionaires/CEOs are like catnip to me. I love reading that stuff. And then there's me, someone who worships at the altar of the snooze button. If I do get up early, I'll reach for my phone (like I did at 3:40 a.m. today...) instead of getting up and doing something productive like reading or journaling. This goal will probably help me with goal #2! It's like a symbiotic relationship, probably. I'm not sure what my ideal morning routine looks like, but I know it doesn't involve screens. 

#4. Use my Calm.com app at least once per day

As I mentioned in my blog intro post, I experience some generalized anxiety, sometimes for no reason at all. At two different points in my college career, I medicated that anxiety and it truly helped tame my restlessness. And while I'll never say never to trying medication again for treating my anxiety, recently I've turned to guided meditation as an alternative. I've tried a few meditation books and apps, but my favorite one so far has been Calm.com. The website and app are beautiful and easy to use. There are plenty of calming scenes, great for playing in the background while working. My favorite feature has to be the timed and guided programs  they help with anxiety, sleep, concentration, and there's even a meditation for your commute. The app probably deserves its own blog post, so stay tuned!

#5. Keep my Vitamix from getting dusty

Oh, Vitamix. How do I love thee? Apparently enough to buy you back in 2013, but not enough to buy you new  that's where the Vitamix Certified Reconditioned Series comes in. When I bought it, I promised myself I'd never let it just sit on my counter. WELP. Time to start making smoothies and hummus again :) 

There you have it! To hold myself accountable, I'm going to be writing monthly updates, sharing my goal progress. Happy 2016!!

Note: Nothin' sponsored or affiliated — just some links to be helpful :) All opinions are my own.