emily howard

publishing professional

Trip to China Part II: Exploring Shenzhen

TravelEmily HowardComment

This is the second in a three-part series of photos from our trip to China in December. Check out Part I: Jenny & Erik's Wedding! 

After the wedding, we had a few days in Shenzhen to explore the sights and go shopping! Lots of Christmas presents were purchased over these days :)

We visited a temple one rainy (but beautiful) morning! 

The next day, we visited an art village in Shenzhen. This was probably my favorite day! We also had dumplings for lunch, and I think it was one of the best meals I've ever had.

And one of my favorite moments in the oil painting village was when we stumbled upon this painting of Princess Diana. See the resemblance between her and Grant's mom? Jenny's family got a kick out of this!

Princess Diana is that you?!

Princess Diana is that you?!

Part III, our trip to Hong Kong, will conclude my series next week! Thanks for reading!