VIENNA, Va. — After more than a year of hemming and hawing, and literally 5 months since claiming a Squarespace domain, person-who-blogs-now Emily Cole launched her blog on a cold, rainy Tuesday evening to little fanfare.
Welcome to my blog! This is where I'm going to write about things I love – because I love recommending things to my friends, whether it's a new flavor of popcorn from Whole Foods or a podcast I'm loving ... but more on those later. :) I want to get into a regular habit of writing and sending thoughts out into the universe (or, the Internet. Same thing.) I also wanted a way to remember more and be present day-to-day as a way to deal with some anxiety I experience. A blog seemed like the natural solution.
What does Just Em Things mean?
Well, it's what my handsome fiance Grant calls all of the.. well, things I love. Oh, taking an epsom salt bath and then journaling in bed? Just Em Things! Voila.
Get it? "M" things. [Me, Halloween circa ~1999 or 2000]
How often will you be posting?
While I'm getting my feet wet in blogging, I'm going to have a new post up every Wednesday. Seems arbitrary, right? But in college, I was Editor in Chief of the school newspaper, The Captain's Log. Our issues came out every Wednesday, so it was also the day of the week for me to release my editorial, which was sort of my first experience with blogging on personal topics and things that mattered to me. So that's what I'll be doing here.
I do hope you'll follow along. See you tomorrow for my first real post!
Love, Em